Two days after our public debut, I got a phone call from Al Gore. The dialogue is recorded below:
Gore: Hello?
Me: Wazzup?
Gore: This is Al Gore here, are you one of those lose-, I mean guys, who played on the street corner the other day?
Me: Yeah. Whaddya want?
Gore: How would you like an all expense paid vacation? All you would have to do is play a song.
Me: You really think we're that good?
Gore: Sorta. You were my very last option. Anyway, you guys would have to come up with an environmentally friendly song. If you do that you can fly with me in my private jet to do a concert.
Me: Do you mean we can’t use our amps and guitar?
Gore: Huh?
Me: Well, you said it had to be environmentally friendly – that means no electricity, right?
Gore: UH…well, anyways, it’s for a series of planet earth concerts, and one of my bands isn’t able to make it. The concert’s in Vegas, and since I did some favors for – err, I mean, since I’m good friends with one of the casino owners, I can probably get you guys some free slot play.
Well, after that last point he made, I had no choice but to go along with the plan. Brock and Josh were – are - major gamblers, as evidenced by the fact that they let me in their band. Anyway, I’ll be in Vegas for a week so I gotta start packing. When I come back, I'll be sure to write about my new adventures and maybe I will post a clip of our new song.
In the meantime…Big Al, the blog is all yours!