Monday, April 7, 2008


The other day I decided to start my own company. At first this seemed like the best idea I'd had since my ears dried. Then when I actually thought about it, I realized I now had to think of what my company would be. This was very hard for me, because my #1 favorite thing to do is stare at the sky and think about nothing. So when I started trying to think, that is exactly what I did. I stared at the sky.

Then I stared some more.

And some more.

Then, without me even knowing how, it suddenly hit me! MOONVERTIZING!!! This was the middle of the day though, so there was no moon out at all. I had no clue how I had thought of this, but I was not about to go back to thinking to figure it out.

Now there was another problem: what did moonvertizing mean? After 2 days of sleeping on it (no, I didn't sleep all day both days), I had it all set in my mind, and that is where I'm at now.

For the next few days, I am going to lock myself in my room and invent the High Powered Super-Duper Mega-x5000 Lazer Moonprojector! (Maybe by then I will know what the x5000 stands for). Anyways, here's the intro I wrote for the grand unveiling of my idea:

Ladies and gentlemen!!! Attention. No don't leave! Hey you! Over there! Get back here! Presenting the most amazing modern marvel in history! The HPS-DMx5000L Moonprojector! But you can't see it yet, because it hasn't been invented yet. But make sure to be outside for the next full moon, because if you are, you might be the first person to ever see a moonvertizement!

Note: If you would like your company moonvertized, please send me an email (and about $1,000,000) and I will be sure to schedule you for the next available full moon.

1 comment:

tdude said...

This is a very original idea and will one day become a reality for someone with enough capital to build a projector powerful enough. i think it would need to be a model X7000, though as light from the X5000 will fall about 25,000 miles short.